
French Due Vigilance Law and Transnational Social Dialogue

Équipe de recherche


Rémi Bourguignon

Professeur des Universités à I'IAE Paris-Est, Univ Paris-Est Créteil. Chercheur à l’Institut de Recherche en Gestion (IRG – EA 2354)


Léna Masson

Maître de Conférences, IAE LILLE, chercheur au sein du LUMEN


Chikako Oka

Maître de Conférences à l'IAE Paris-Est, Univ Paris-Est Créteil. Chercheuse à l’Institut de Recherche en Gestion (IRG – EA 2354)




Résumé du projet

We have seen the rise of mandatory approaches to corporate accountability in recent years. This reflects a growing understanding that the voluntary approach to regulating cross-border corporate activities through codes of conduct and multi-stakeholder initiatives has not addressed pressing issues concerning labour, the environment and/or integrity. The French corporate vigilance law enacted in 2017 stands out as the first legislation mandating human rights due diligence and remediation mechanisms for corporate activities covering global supply chains.

In this research project, we focus on the intersection between the French vigilance law and transnational social dialogue, Global Framework Agreements (GFAs). Specifically, we ask the following research questions:

Q1. How do mandatory due diligence legislation and social dialogue intersect? Do they compete, complement one another or remain separate? 

Q2. How does the legislation influence the role and power balance among stakeholders, such as trade unions as well as functional departments?

Q3. What explains the differences (if any) across companies? 

This study seeks to answer these questions by drawing on rich qualitative data collected through three waves of interviews in 2017, 2019, and 2022. As cases, we have selected five French multinational corporations with GFAs, which signal their prior commitment to social dialogue. Leveraging longitudinal data covering various stakeholders, we explore how social dialogue and the role of unions have shaped or been shaped by the implementation of the duty of vigilance law. 

By delving into the hitherto neglected relationship between mandatory due diligence legislation and social dialogue, we seek to contribute to the literature on public/private regulation, industrial relations as well as organization studies. We explore the complementarity of instruments (or lack thereof) from organizational as well as stakeholder perspectives. Shedding light on the relative strengths and weaknesses of unions as partners to implementing mandatory due diligence should have important policy implications as well.


Cette étude a bénéficié du financement du Bureau International du Travail et de l'Agence d'objectifs CFTC de l'IRES


Les publications associées

Rapports de recherche

Barraud de Lagerie, P., Béthoux, E., Bourguignon, R., Mias, A. Penalva-Icher, E.. 2020. Mise en œuvre de la Loi sur le devoir de vigilance. Rapport sur les premiers plans adoptés par les entreprises. Rapport remis au Bureau international du Travail à Genève.

Bourguignon R., Mias, A. (coord.)., 2017, Les accords-cadres internationaux : étude comparative des ACI conclus par les entreprises françaises, Rapport à destination du bureau de l’OIT pour la France.

Bourguignon, R., Masson, L., & Oka, C. 2023. Dialogue social transnational et devoir de vigilance : quelles complémentarités ? Rapport de Recherche, Convention d'objectifs IRES/CFTC.

Publications Scientifiques

Ashwin, S., Oka, C., Schuessler, E., Alexander, R., & Lohmeyer, N. 2020. Spillover effects across transnational industrial relations agreements: The potential and limits of collective action in global supply chainsIlr Review, 73(4), 995-1020.

Barraud de Lagerie P., Béthoux E., Mias A., Penalva Icher E., 2020, La mise en œuvre de la loi sur le devoir de vigilance: une managérialisation de la loi?Droit et Société, n°106, pp.699-714.

Barraud de Lagerie P., Mias A., Phé C. et Servel L., 2020, L'accord d'entreprise mondial, instrument de politiques pour les groupes transnationaux, La Revue de l'Ires, n°101-102, pp.127-148.

Bourguignon, R., Garaudel, P., Porcher, S. 2020. Global Framework Agreements and Trade Unions as Monitoring Agents in Transnational CorporationsJournal of Business Ethics 165, pp. 517–533.

Bourguignon R., Marc-Antonin Hennebert. 2021. “Construire un dialogue social transnational : une analyse processuelle de l’effectivité des Accords-Cadres Internationaux » in Delautre G, Echeverría Manrique E. & Fenwick C. Le travail décent dans une économie mondialisée Quelques leçons des initiatives publiques et privées, Organisation Internationale du Travail.

Oka, C. 2016. Improving working conditions in garment supply chains: The role of unions in CambodiaBritish journal of industrial relations, 54(3), 647-672.

Oka, C., Egels‐Zandén, N., & Alexander, R. 2020. Buyer engagement and labour conditions in global supply chains: The Bangladesh accord and beyondDevelopment and change, 51(5), 1306-1330.


Qu'est-ce que la régulation sociale de la Chaine Globale de valeur ?

Dico du Management de Fnege Medias

Les évènements associés

Public and private labour regulation of global value chains: Intersections and interactions across levels and domains

Organisateurs :

Chikako OKA, Rémi Bourguignon, Markus Helfen (Freie University Berlin)

Date :

28 mars 2022

The purpose of this online Paper Development Workshop was to gather leading and emerging researchers of various disciplinary backgrounds working on the topic of public and private regulation of global value chains. The workshop attracted a variety of high-quality papers or research ideas, with about 15 scholars from Austria, France, Denmark, Germany, South Africa, Sweden, the UK, and the US joining. 



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IAE Paris-Est, place de la porte des champs 94000 Créteil